<img src="https://source.unsplash.com/400x300/?lemur" class="b-image" alt="Random Lemur">
<img src="https://source.unsplash.com/400x300/?lemur" class="b-image" alt="Random Lemur">
/* No context defined for this component. */

Images in Project Lima are built to be responsive, they will automatically resize to accomodate for the browser width. They will currently try to get to the images width, and will automatically get the height based on that width (If the image is wider than the content area it will fill that width, and as before, get the height based on that width).

When adding images into main content areas such as this, it will need the class .b-image to add the appropriate margins.

Note: SVG images (such as icons) are not treated like regular images, due to browser constraits of IE, so they will need to have a class attatched to them and specifically styled.

Note: Images need to all have an alt tag added with a brief description of the image, this is for better accessibility.